Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So last night I had a dream that I died. Well, whatever. The thing was, I started arguing with God about it. I was a little angry because apparently I wasn't supposed to die yet. So finally God goes, Look, if you hadn't died now, this is how you would have died - and so I see a vision of an alternate death in a scenario that included a potato chip and a pencil. After viewing my unspectacular death by potato-chip-and-pencil, I turned to God and said, Ok, You win.

A book I think I shall some day buy: The Hollywood Assistant's Handbook. I got to flip through it some in Barnes and Noble the other day, and besides having a snarky sense of humor, it actually had some interesting and helpful tips for aspiring Hollywood assistants. Not that we actually aspire to be assistants...

1 comment:

wrgarvey said...

Were they Ruffles? Those things can be deadly.