Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I noticed some time ago that when I get done for the night, I like to go into my room and do whatever I want - in silence. I'm not too into music or TV or even movies sometimes. I think lots of it comes from all the noise I get bombarded with during the day.

Today I realized that part of the reason it's so exhausting taking care of the children, especially Josiah during the day, is that we're constantly talking. We never stop. He asks questions, I answer them, I ask questions, I try to interpret what he's saying, he repeats and repeats and repeates especially if he doesn't think I heard, we talk for the sake of talking, I think he's getting into trouble if he's in the other room and he's not talking. By the end of the night, I've had it with talking. I love talking with him, and I love when he starts saying things like "Nearly, we're nearly home" or "Naughty horse" or other amazingly cute things, but I also look forward to his nap every day, just so I can iron and cook and wash dishes in silence.

1 comment:

Quotable_keb said...

yes, amy...silence is way underated.
Somehow there is a mistery in the midst of two people being able to sit next to each other without having to say a word to know they're there together...

Definitedly getting my share of silence on this side of the world...feels ok.