Wednesday, October 04, 2006

doesn't matter, dear heart maker

I think there was one thing I learned in calculus my senior year of high school. I spent much more time trying to distract myself than learning (which was, quite frankly, much more practical). One thing I do remember, though, is the law of mutual exclusivity. If two things are mutual exclusive, it means they cannot both be true about an equation or a problem or whatever, not at the same time. If P is true then Q cannot also be true. It's an either/or principle.

Who said math is not applicable to real life? (Oh, me, right) If Americans landed on the moon first, it means that the Russians can no longer win the space race. You can't be both a Red Sox and a Yankees fan. If you're an insomniac, you can't be a heavy sleeper. There a lots of examples of this law of mutual exclusivity. And sometimes, it happens to people as well. You can't be in a relationship with one person, and friends with another. People swear by this law. I don't particularly like it myself, but I definitely understand why its useful. It's nothing bad; it's just life.

However, if doesn't mean that Russians can't still be interested in space exploration. It doesn't mean that insomniacs never get rest. And it doesn't mean that people can't care about each other even when they're not talking. There's no hope for the Red Sox and Yankees one. And the law is breakable. It just means that you have to make a different choice.

If you want to stick with the choice you've made, that's ok too. "I've mastered the art of dealing." I will look forward to Christmas.

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