Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I had an awful time putting the children to bed tonight. Like, I mean, really terribly awful. Possibly the worst ever night yet. Why does no one use the word glum anymore? There were some fun times tonight, too, like the arrival of a previous au pair for a visit with us. But I had an awful night with the children, I'm feeling once again that I am too inept to understand anything, and I tried to call my dad for the second time recently and he didn't pick up. It's a minor holiday for us Americans, but I've realized that it does make me a little sad to think that everyone's got a reason to eat some great food with friends and family.

For my Fourth of July celebrations, I'm having a pity party.

On the flip side... I've gotten some good work done on the screenplay that I like. Maybe I should give it a title soon so that I can actually refer to it properly. I got to correct James and Jessica's pronounciation for once. A Bible study held here on Sunday gave me hope that I can find a beginning and a starting point for greater depth in my spiritual life. And in 10 days I'll have been here for 2 months. If we had clouds here in England, and half the time we don't, I'd like to think that I'd be able to find the silver lining.

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