Thursday, July 27, 2006

Josiah has a lot of sayings. He likes to repeat things over and over. I will get asked at least 6 times a day, more if it's just him and me for a couple of hours, "Amy, where your daddy?" even though he knows. A couple of weeks after I came, he found the innate delight in the word "Why." He likes to call his brother and sisters "boobiehead." He's just discovered the concept of matching and told his mum and I the other day that his sister's purple and pink water bottle matched his green top (other times he's better at this one). He tells us his tummy hurts when he's full or when he doesn't want to eat what we have for tea. And then there's a phrase that's still a bit of mystery.

He'll put his hand on his chest and say "My heart's bleeding."

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